Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • H.T. Banks (North Carolina State University), 2 weeks at UPMC (SKIPPERAD project)

  • Bard Ermentrout (University of Pittsburgh), 1 week at the Mathematical Neuroscience Team

  • Miguel Escobedo (University of Bilbao, BECAM), 2 weeks at UPMC (SKIPPERAD project)

  • Thibaud Taillefumier (University of Princeton), 2 weeks at the Mathematical Neuroscience Team

  • Jonathan Rubin (University of Pittsburgh), 3 days at the Mathematical Neuroscience Team

  • Justyna Signerska (Polish Academy of Mathematics), 10 days at the Mathematical Neuroscience Team

  • Suzanne Sindi (University of California MERCED), 1 week at UPMC (SKIPPERAD project)

  • Wei-Feng Xue (University of Canterbury), 2 days at UPMC (SKIPPERAD project)

  • Min Tang (Shanghai Jiaotong Univ.) , 1 month at BANG (Xu GuangQi Hubert Curien program no30043V M PDE models for cell self-organization, N. Vauchelet)

  • Rym Jaroudi (University of Tunis) on the subject “Applying evolutionary game theory and adaptive dynamics to modelling cancer treatments”, supervised by S. Ben Miled, A. Kebir (Tunis) and J. Clairambault: October

Visits to International Teams

  • 10 days at the University of Pittsburgh (J. Touboul)

  • 1 week at the North Carolina State University (M. Doumic and C. Kruse)

  • 3 weeks at the Biophysics Lab in Princeton (J. Touboul)

  • 2 days at the Courant Institute (New-York) (J. Touboul)

  • 3 days at BECAM Center (Bilbao) (M. Doumic)

  • 4 weeks at the CEDOC center at Gulbenkian Science Institute (L. Almeida)

  • 10 days at the CMM, University of Chile (B. Perthame)

  • 10 days at MIT, USA (F. Bertaux)